Anyone used escorts in Canada? Is it illegal ?
September 15, 2023 16:33
I had been in Canada three times in the last two years. And some Google research showed that it might be too risky from a legal point of view to use escorts. Is this the case? Anyone here who is familiar with how things work with regards to punting?

I understand that things might vary between the provinces. But, for a country that is proudly liberal, Canada might have strict laws against men paying women to have sex with them. Am I correct? I will be in Canada soon. So, I was wondering if anyone here would offer any advice or suggestions based on your experiences.
Re: Anyone used escorts in Canada? Is it illegal ?
September 15, 2023 16:47
You`ve just been on asking for advice on punting in Warwickshire.

Why not just Google it, and the details are available straight from the government, so ignore advice from people who aren`t qualified to give it.
Re: Anyone used escorts in Canada? Is it illegal ?
September 21, 2023 01:35
Canada went with a somewhat Nordic model.

1. It's illegal to purchase services.
2. It's not illegal to sell services if they're your own. (No pimping.)
3. It's illegal to advertise services *unless* they're your own services. (No pimping.)
4. It's illegal to live off the avails (unless they're your own.)

Having said all that, most large cities have turned somewhat of a blind eye to the whole situation. There are still advertising sites, there are still massage parlours, there are still escorts. The only area that seems to get regular attention are street walkers.

I'll qualify this by saying I'm not a lawyer but I've played here for a long time (both before and after the changes in law.)
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