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No. 117654 - Published 8 Aug 2014

Review of Enya of London

Details of Visit
Author:Buster Gonad
Location 2:Bayswater
Type of Visit:Incall
Date and Time of Visit:Sat 2 Aug 2014 19:00
Duration of Visit:30 Minutes
Amount Paid:70

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AW Profile ID:1838977
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The Premises
A tatty front door leading to a house which is shared between different tenants. A climb up stairs to top floor. Area seems safe. Bathroom clean but her room a bit stuffy.
The Lady
About 5 ft 5 inches tall and Eastern European. In my view just about pretty, but not as nice as her photos suggest. Curvy figure. B cup boobs, a nice curvy backside, but not slim legs.
The Story
She deliberately gave a wrong address so I would call her from the neighbours door and she would then know I was genuine. When I rang from the wrong address she told me she was actually in the building next door. I did not like this as I had to stand at the wrong door in a busy area and may have had tenants of the other building listening to my call. She said she does this for security with all customers but it was an annoying start.

To cut a long story short she is pleasant, but would not do French kissing or oral without. On the website she states she does these at discretion, but I am beginning to think this is a marketing thing. Get the guys in and then refuse to offer the service. I am youngish, with good hygiene. When I questioned her she said she would never do these services in a 30 minute appointment. She does not mention this on the website. In future I will take at discretion to mean something other than hygiene and more likely to be "at discretion of my marketing department".

She gave me covered oral and we had sex doggy style. It felt like an OK punt with no spark and little sincere interest from her. I was not clear on who else was in the flat but it did not feel like a relaxed atmosphere and I felt rushed to leave.

For seventy quid you can do far better in London. This woman just wasn't worth it. Pleasant but distant at the same time.
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