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No. 14587 - Published 1 Jan 2002

Review of Chloe of London

Details of Visit
Location 2:My Flat
Type of Visit:Outcall
Date and Time of Visit:31/12/2001 8 PM
Duration of Visit:Overnight
Amount Paid:650

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The Lady
Chloe is tall and quite curvy. She has masses of beautiful, very long, curly brunette hair. Dynamite breasts and nipples.
The Story
By meeting Chloe, I broke my strictest rule: never date anyone less than half my age. It was worth the sacrifice, however.

We went out for a lovely New Year's dinner. Cloe wore a stunning metallic lycra dress and not much else. Breathtaking! Dinner was festive/silly: crackers, party favors, stupid hats, the whole shebang.

We detoured past a petrol station to pick up a Mars bar on the way back to the flat. Got lost and wandered in circles in the freezing cold for half an hour, all on what should have been a three-block walk. The poor lass nearly got frostbite in her strappy sandals.

Back home there was nothing for it but to pull out a duvet, cover her up and try to rub her feet to restore the circulation. Eventually, I succeeded.

Chloe is a wonderful lover, young and assertive. Right wore me out. I think her favorite expression is "I want to have sex again."

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