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No. 21451 - Published 15 Jul 2002

Review of Wicked Party of Brentwood

Details of Visit
Author:Dr Steve
Location 2:Essex
Type of Visit:Incall
Date and Time of Visit:02/07/2002 13:00
Duration of Visit:5 hrs
Amount Paid:

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The Premises
Terraced house in quiet suburban street. A short walk from the railway station with easy access from Central London. Certainly less posh than other places I've been to parties at. The action took place upstairs, where we were spread over three compact bedrooms. In the front room there was a bed and a mattress on the floor where Alex and Natasha did most of their entertaining in the larger back bedroom a double bed, and in the small room a single mattress on the floor. Not a venue for a romantic interlude, but neat, clean and perfectly adequate for a suburban sex orgy. Nice cold buffet, plenty of drinks and some amazing porn movies.
The Lady
When I arrived there were three ladies in residence - which worried me a little following an earlier experience at a party with too few ladies attending, however it turned out Charlotte and Stephanie were being held up little on the motorway (some unkind wag - possibly me - suggested this was due to Steph's navigation). They eventually turned up around 13:30. Another girl Katie also arrived to make up a very healthy collection of ladies. To summarise:

Alex: A very tall American lady (she claims only 5'10", but I'm sure she taller than this) hailing from Tennessee originally. Knockout body - glorious brown skin, lovely legs that go on forever, amazing slender torso, large firm boobs, and attractive features. Very friendly if a trifle overwhelming. Has some existing FRs and a web site linked up to the wicked parties site

Natasha: (formerly known as Loraine or Sharon) Oh God - what a body this woman has. Average height, very pretty, an incredible slim busty figure with glorious boobs and ass (32F-26-35). What's more she combines her physical perfection with a wonderful attitude being enthusiastic and very friendly. In hindsight I didn't spend nearly enough time with her.

Stephanie: Well known from Sue's and Monique's parties up in the North West, she clearly can't get enough if she is venturing down south too. Blonde, very pretty and young looking with her hair in bunches, tallish and fairly slim with a lovely figure an amazingly warm smile and a fantastic attitude. It was great to see her again.

Charlotte - Steph's partner in crime at Sue's parties who I was also very pleased to see again. Blonde, very attractive. More petite than I remembered, with a gorgeous slim body, though pipped by Natasha's this time (according purely to my own personal standards). Once more I had more fun with her than anyone else at the party. Her soft welsh accent beguiles you into thinking she is quite innocent until she gets to work on you but once she gets going she is a real tiger.

Jane: Pretty dark haired girl with a very feminine, but somewhat fuller figure than Alex or Natasha. Very friendly, but somehow not quite my cup of tea perhaps. Still I had a very enjoyable session with her during the afternoon

Katie: Tall blonde with a statuesque figure. She didn't seem keen to have a session with me for some reason, so I didn't get to explore her charms intimately, but she certainly looked very nice, and as far as I could make out those gentlemen she did favour with her attention had plenty of fun.
The Story
WeeWickedWillie who I met at one of Sue's parties in Manchester has started organising parties in the South East, and I've been eager to get to one since I heard about them, but this was the first one I managed to get to. Very glad I did too, because I had a great time. As before into describing what went on I have to qualify that while all the event described below happened much as described, the sequence - particularly towards the end is rather muddled - Alex suggested next time I take notes...

Parties are in many respects quite different from conventional punts, not least because there are a whole host of other punternet characters there too. Being rotten with names apart from WeeWickedWillie and Sleeping Lion, I've forgotten exactly who I was introduced to (or at least their PN handles). This party was also pretty weird in that when I turned up and it was revealed that I was "the guy who wrote THAT FR about Sue's party" I was treated as some kind of minor celebrity - especially by Alex who seemed to assume an FR by me was a guarantee of the best kind of publicity - but more on this later.

Parties usually take a bit of time to get started and this was no different, especially since we were awaiting the arrival of Charlotte and Stephanie. Then when Alex, Natasha and Jane did decide to get underway, I missed the boat a bit. However a bit more seasoned than some of the other party goers, I decided to try to squeeze into the action in the front bedroom where Alex was giving some serious head to one punter while Natasha did the same to another.

Alex labours under a serious disadvantage where I am concerned, tall ladies intimidate me, and other things being equal would much rather be with a lady nearer 5' in height than one near 6'. However I have to say her gloriously long limbed brown body was proving irresistibly fascinating to me, and so I decided to try and move in on her, rather than Natasha. Alex's bum was conveniently positioned so I could give her pussy a licking, while she continued sucking her victim. My strategy worked, in that after a few minutes Alex finished off her first 'customer' of the day and turned her attentions to me.

Alex started by giving me French kiss in which she seemed to be pushing her tongue down my throat, then breaking off bent down and swallowed my already hard cock whole! Alex I quickly discovered was not taking prisoners! This was full on hard-core porn sex, Alex giving me vigorous deep throating accompanied with noisy slurping sound in a fashion I have never experienced before. Keen to reciprocate I got her to move over me into a 69 so I could bury my face in her pussy while she continued to energetically suck me. First time around I always come quickly, and I was astonished how long I lasted under this assault, but it was not long before I was coming very hard indeed.

Alex seemed a little disappointed, she'd wanted to fuck as well, and she'd also hinted she wanted to give me a session to remember so I'd write up an FR on the party and in particular her. Somewhat shattered, I mumbled thanks to her for the blowjob which had been awesome, and promised we'd get together a little later for a fucking. I slid off the bed, while another punter moved in for some fun with Alex, and found myself very close to Natasha, who was giving another guest a lovely blow job, pushing her perfect bottom back so near to me I couldn't resist the temptation.

Pushing my face into the crack of her ass, I endeavoured to tongue her pierced pussy. Natasha seemed to like this, and when she had satisfied her current paramour twisted around to give me a quick suck to get me hard. Then we rolled on a condom and she got on her hands and knees so I could enter her from behind. From the moment I'd come into the house, and seen Natasha's lovely taut butt scarcely covered by her thong I'd been thinking about doing this, and things lived up to my expectations.

Natasha's pussy was nice and tight (she boasted how she exercises it every day) and she responded eagerly as I began to give her a good pumping from behind, pushing her firm bottom back to meet me. Having already cum with Alex, I was not on such a short fuse now, but was able to enjoy a nice long session of doggy. While I was busy at this end, another punter moved in, lying down on the mattress so Natasha could give him a blowjob. With a bit of an effort I held back until Natasha had finished with him, so I could get her to roll on her back, and I could have her mish style, first with her legs over my shoulders, then with them wrapped around my waist as I pounded away hard at her tight snatch until I came with a roar.

Panting for breath I pulled myself off this lovely lady, and thanking her made my way to the bathroom and then downstairs. Despite having been 'working' since the party began, Natasha and Alex's enthusiasm seemed undimmed, and they were busier than ever as I went by the bedroom. Downstairs I relaxed a little with a drink, and chatted with some of the guests. I understood from a half overhead conversation that Katie was a 'party virgin' and a little nervous about matters, but since she seemed deep in conversation, as I began to feel frisky again I approached Jane who seemed to be at a loose end.

Jane led me up to the small back bedroom - earmarked for one-on-one sessions, and pulling open my dressing gown got on her knees and popped my cock into her mouth. She was somewhat less full on than Alex and Natasha (or indeed Steph and Charlotte) who seemed determined to shag the life out of anyone who came to near, and took things much more gently. A nice change of pace. After disposing of her bra and pants, so she was left in a nice set of stockings and suspenders, I gave her lovely pussy a good licking. Around about this time Katie came in with a guest.

This was in principle a breach of etiquette, since this room was supposed to be for one-on-one sessions, but since I like to watch as well as participate and most of all to do both at the same time, it wasn't a problem for me. However a second problem was that the room was very small, with only a single mattress, so Katie and her partner had to get it together on the floor.

At parties you generally get to see quite a few other folks getting off, as you are having sex. If you don't like this aspect of them parties won't work for you - if you do it adds to things a lot, and I had to say I was fascinated watching Katie's lovely body appearing from out of her clothes while...

While Jane clambered over me and squatted down on my cock. My cock slid up into a lovely warm pussy, and Jane began to bounce herself up and down on me, while I played with her plump tits. I lay back and enjoyed the wonderful sensation for a while, then decided it was my turn to be in control, and sitting up endeavoured to lay Jane down on her back without disengaging. We got our legs tangled up a bit, so this wasn't as smooth an operation as it might have been, but eventually I had her lying beneath me, legs up and taking a firm pounding.

As far as I could make out Jane was quite enjoying herself I certainly was! A final change into doggy so I could pump hard against her generous bottom, until after building up a fair head of steam I exploded inside her. I was pretty wasted after this, and although I appreciated the need, I was a little reluctant to lever myself off the mattress so Katie and her partner could move onto it.

Downstairs for something to drink and some nibbles, and then it was time for to have another encounter with Alex. At each party I've been to, while I've had a lot of fun with all the ladies, one particular session stands out, and for this party this was it. If Alex wants me to recommend her, consider her recommended! This woman is dynamite!

As I commented above Alex is physically rather intimidating which combined with her extrovert nature made me a little nervous as I approached her again, but she soon had me forgetting this as she encourage me to get as wild with lust as she seemed to be. As before, Alex started off by swallowing my cock whole and giving me a noisy blowjob, which got me very hard in no time. I returned the favour pushing her onto her back to feast on her pussy for a while, before she grabbed hold of a chocolate flavoured condom to show one of her party tricks. Popping the rubber in her mouth, she then rolled it onto my straining cock with her lips. Then keen as mustard to be at her I moved over her and plunged deep into her lovely tight pussy.

I pounded away at her frantically like this for a while, then pulled her upright, and rolled onto my back so she could ride me. Alex got up onto her haunches and began bouncing her taut brown ass up and down on my groin. It felt fantastic but was too intense to bear for long. By now Lorraine had moved downstairs for a well-earned rest meaning the mattress on the floor was free, so now I lifted Alex up off the bed, and lowered her down onto the mattress. Then pushing her legs up over my shoulders, I began to fuck her with long deep strokes.

At this stage we encountered a bit of a problem. Maybe I was getting tired, Alex is a more than energetic lover, maybe I was distracted by an audience we seemed to have gathered, but I found myself growing a bit soft. I decided a bit more of Alex's oral was needed to harden me up. I didn't respond immediately to Alex's oral skills, being a bit distracted again, this time by calls to see Stephanie and Charlotte putting on their famous strap-on show, but after a while, Alex used another one of her tricks (which she asked to be kept a surprise) which soon had me hard again. Then with a fresh condom in place, I got Alex to kneel on the mattress, so I could take her from behind.

It was a bit awkward. In this position more than any other, Alex's long legs were a hindrance, making it difficult to adjust our heights. It was more than worth it though. Alex's ass is lovely and to be pounding against it and pushing deep into her tight quim was sheer heaven. I knew as we started it was going to take some time for me to come, and as minutes slipped away and I got more and more breathless, I wasn't sure if I'd have the energy to make it. Alex beneath me though was tireless, pushing her firm butt back to me meet me again and again, and finding a second wind, I redoubled my efforts and slamming deep into her snug pussy like a dervish, I reached a titanic climax.

We collapsed, both dripping with sweat. I thanked Alex profusely. That had to count as one of the most energetic and physically exhausting sessions of sex I'd ever had - and a truly satisfying one. We staggered downstairs on wobbly legs, Alex missed her footing, but fortunately I blocked her fall, so she didn't tumble all the way down the stairs. What I couldn't understand was how I wasn't sent flying, I felt as weak as a baby.

Downstairs some food and drink refreshed us, while Charlotte got to work with her oversized strap-on on the lovely Stephanie. The other girls watched in as much fascination as we gents, but none seemed keen to try it out themselves. Alex made some fun of me about how I'd described how I'd come so many times at Sue's party and asked if I was going to try and break my record. I tried to explain its not about how often you come, but how much fun you have - and that I was having loads of fun.

After my session with Alex it was a quite a some time before I was feeling up another round, but after a while I decided to approach Katie who seemed to be free, she however said she had already promised her company to another guest, and said she'd see me later. So I drifted upstairs, and into the back bedroom. Here I found Stephanie and Charlotte holding court with several guests. Steph seemed to be the focus of most of the attention, so I moved in on the lovely Charlotte.

Charlotte doesn't offer BBBJ, but her covered oral is very nice, and it was no time before she had wanked my cock hard, rolled on a blueberry flavoured condom and was giving my cock a delicious sucking.

Moving onto sex was a bit tricky, Stephanie was on her back getting vigorous fucked by one guest, while giving hand jobs and blowjobs to a couple of others. We had to squeeze ourselves onto the foot of the bed, Charlotte laying back and resting her head on one of Steph's calves while I hooked the little Welsh lasses knees up in my elbows and thrust home. I was having great fun like this, but Charlotte didn't really look very comfortable, what with Stephanie's legs jerking around Charlotte's head as the taller girl took a really hard shagging, so I suggested we change position, and got Charlotte to stand by the bedside and bend over it so I could take her from behind.

Then I was hammering hard against the little lady's lovely buttocks. This was real orgy stuff, Stephanie squealing as she was pounded hard, struggling to keep her hands on the cocks of her other guests, while Charlotte and I grunted in delight as I fucked her, and three or four other guests wanking as they watched the whole spectacle.

By now I'd already cum four times, so I was finding it a bit of an effort to cum again, still it felt great fucking Charlotte, and she seemed keen for me to give it to her as hard as I could. After a little while though I needed a little rest, so I sat on the bed while she gave me another lovely suck. Then with me lying back she mounted me with her back to me. The sight of her taut little butt bouncing up and down on me, and my swollen cock squeezing up into her tight little cunt was too much for me. I erupted inside her in seconds.

Wasted I slid off the bed. I felt so tired I scarcely made it downstairs. Down in the kitchen area, I found Alex, and she she showed off another of her little tricks - again she asked me not to reveal it, but if I'd been a little bit less shagged out I'd probably have got an instant hard-on! We then got to chatting. She was waving around a little piece of paper with her reservation number for the hotel she was going to be staying in at Heathrow, saying how important it was. Later on sometime she managed to misplace it, and I won a few brownie points remembering where she had left it. But more on that later.

By now Stephanie and Charlotte had come downstairs again and were having a drink to relax. Well despite all I'd been up to so far, some food and a cold drink had revived me again and I started to feel frisky again. Eventually I succumbed to temptation, and swept Charlotte up in my arms with the intent of carrying her upstairs. This worked until we got as far as the door, but the passageway into the hall was too crowded and narrow, so I had to put the little lass down. Steph was in pursuit, and as Charlotte led me upstairs, she opened up the door into the private room, and for a moment I wondered if I was going to get another two on one session with the wicked ladies.

I was half relieved half disappointed when we found Katie already in residence. While I'd have loved to have Steph and Charlotte to myself, I don't know if I'd have survived the experience. Moving into the back bedroom, Stephanie started on me, giving me a wonderful blowjob, meanwhile a host of other guests decided to muscle in on the action. Once I was hard I rubbered up and Steph laid back. Then I moved between her thighs, and plunged deep into her snug pussy. Although this was great fun, and I had been keen to get up into Steph quim all afternoon, I was finding the presence of a couple of other guys clustered around Steph's face eager to get a blowjob a little off-putting. Earlier in the afternoon it wouldn't have been a problem, in fact it would probably have been a turn on for me, but now I was at the limits of my sexual stamina and the distraction was having an inevitable effect. Steph meanwhile moaned she wanted us all to wank off over her face - she'd been spending to long watching a bukkake tape downstairs if you ask me. I decided I'd try and oblige - though by this time if she got more than a couple of drops of spunk out of me she'd have been lucky, but I - and all the other guys were having some problems coming (well what a surprise).

Steph waited patiently, but eventually decided she needed to have a pee, and ducked out for a little while. Fortunately for me though Charlotte was still around and ready to enter the fray. We rolled on a fresh condom and she sucked me hard again, then I laid her on her back for some delightful mish. Once more though I got distracted a bit by other things going on. So I suggested we try a little oral. Soon we were in a sixty-nine position, however we'd run out of condoms in the bedroom. Charlotte persuaded some kind soul to get some more, while I pushed my face deep into Charlotte's lovely pussy while giving myself a good wank to get hard again. While I was doing this, Alex appeared, panicking because she couldn't find her paper with the hotel reservation number. I paused in twirling Charlotte's clit around with my tongue to tell her she'd left it on the fridge top. Alex was flabbergasted - how the hell could I remember that while having sex? I don't know the answer to that one myself.

Anyway now I was as hard as a rock again, and Charlotte had a rubber to roll onto my swollen if rather sore dick. I had her kneel on the bed, and standing on the floor behind her began to give her a stern pounding from behind. Once more it took me an age to come, but it was heaven all the way. Eventually panting and out of breath, I managed to thrust home one last time and explode inside her.

The room seemed to spin, and as I eased myself out of Charlotte's tight snatch, I had to lean against the wall to keep upright. After a while I staggered downstairs, and after a drink started to feel a little more the thing. Natasha asked me if I'd had a good time, I told her I had, but now my cock felt sore from so much fucking. How did I think her pussy felt she asked?

With an effort I managed to get dressed, thanked all the girls - as well as our hosts for a fantastic time and headed back out into the evening. I felt tired, but on top of the world. What was really weird was although I ought to have been sexed out, I spent all the time on the train back into town thinking wouldn't it have been great to carry on, to have another session with Natasha, to have a proper one-on-one with Steph, to get tangled up with Alex's lovely long legs again...

Not quite the best party I've been to (I'm still reserving that for my first party - mainly due to an unbelievable one-on-one with Chloe) but certainly the friendliest and most sociable one I've experienced, and with a wonderful selection of ladies. Can't wait for the next one!!
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