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No. 26847 - Published 26 Dec 2002

Review of Wicked Party of Oxford

Details of Visit
Author:Dr Steve
Type of Visit:Incall
Date and Time of Visit:10/12/2002 14:30
Duration of Visit:4 hours
Amount Paid:280

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The Premises
Luxury apartment in city centre, pretty near the station. Oodles of space and as usual Paz the 'shagging chef' had an amazing spread for us
The Lady
There were six ladies in attendance, plus Jane (Sarah) who was our hostess, a glorious slim lass who all the guests wished was on the active list. Those who were formed a formidable sextet. While my tastes dictate I found some more sexy than others, they are all lovely ladies most of whom I really like a one-on-one with some day.

Natasha (http://www.escort.natasha.freeuk.com): I've drooled about her at length in other FRs - lets just say fantastic shall we.

Chrissy (http://www.marteeny.co.uk): Lovely lady I met at the last party I was at. Posh, very dry off the wall sense of humour. Nice slim body - not much up top, but wonderful legs and a bum to give you wet dreams.

Amy (http://www.horny.amy.freeuk.com): Wow! Very pretty, lovely long hair and a glorious figure of which her lovely big boobs are the most magnificent detail. I saw her at another party but to my regret never got around to getting together with her. Didn't miss out this time thankfully! Not only is she visually stunning though, she is a lovely person too, seeming a bit shy to start with but very friendly once you start chatting. A real star.

Jane: (not be confused with the hostess) Lovely lass from the north east I'd seen at her first party in Brentwood in the Summer, and it was nice to see her again. Nice and curvy, exceptionally cheerful and friendly, and without wishing to be vulgar a great shag.

Maxxine (http://www.sexxymaxxine.co.uk): A pretty lass in her late twenties, with a fairly slim, but very curvy figure, good-sized boobs, lovely legs and a fine ass. Quiet but very friendly. Had a lovely encounter with her in Kensington in September and another this time around.

Angie: A BBW of slightly more mature years, attractive with a lovely personality and the biggest boobs I've ever seen. I'm not really a fan of larger ladies, but I'm a touch disappointed Angie never got around to trying to persuade me to change my mind.
The Story
Being a sad fellow, I write FRs on all my punts, I just don't bother to submit all of them. I was in two minds whether I should post one about another Wicked Party, but all the girls said they like reading my reports, so I promised I would. However for a number of reasons it's taken me longer than usual to get around to writing it up, so my memory of events is probably less accurate even than usual. Be assured though that whatever really happened, it's bound to have been even better than I remember.

I turned up too early because for some reason I was convinced the start time was 14:00 not 14:30. I arrived at the same time as Maxxine and followed her in. I was a trifle embarrassed when Willie informed me of my faux pas, but thank god he didn't ask me to wander around outside for a while, because it was freezing out there. Things were a bit chaotic while people rushed around to get ready. After a while though guests started turning up and were sat down and introduced to everyone.

About ten to three, with most of the guests changed into robes, Natasha decided it was time to get things rolling and tried to get hold of the 'newbies' for herself, other folks paired off, and I took my chance to ask the lovely Maxxine if she's like to accompany me to one of the bedrooms. She agreed, and so off we went. Maxxine has a penchant for dominatrix like clothing, and had on a very stiff leather bustier, which I unbuttoned to reveal the generous softness of her lovely boobs, and then she skinned off her leather thong and hitched up her leather mini-skirt to reveal her lovely bum. After some kissing and caressing we settled into a 69.

Since I'm always on a short leash first time around, and since Maxxine's oral was delightful I was soon ready to burst. Not wishing to come in her mouth without warning her, I told her of the danger, and she suggested I come over her tits. She rolled over onto her back, and I straddled her, but I had something more fun in mind, and soon had my swollen cock folded in the warmth of her boobs. After fucking her lovely tits for a little while I erupted in delight depositing by my standards a healthy amount of spunk in the hollow of her neck.

Maxxine cleaned us up and we lay on the bed kissing and cuddling while another couple were having sex on the adjacent bed. To my delight, I recovered with remarkable speed, and it seemed only a few minutes before I was encouraging Maxxine to roll a condom onto my cock, which was once more hard and ready for action. She started by mounting me and gently riding me while I played with her lovely boobs.

Then Maxxine lay on her back, splayed her thighs, and encouraged me to move between them and plunge into her warm depths. Pushing her thighs up onto my shoulders I proceeded to do so and was soon having the most delightful fun, giving the lovely lady a slow firm rogering on her back. Maxxine is not the most chatty of lasses, but she smiled up at me warmly and certainly gave the impression she was enjoying herself too.

Having pleasured myself with Maxxine's magnificent body like this for some minutes, I decided to change to doggy for the finale. Maxxine's bum is glorious, and once I had mounted her and was pounding against those firm generous buttocks, I had to restrain myself from coming immediately. I managed to draw matters out though - lasting a few ecstatic minutes before reaching a powerful climax.

After some recovery time I found myself back in the lounge. I nibbled on some of the food, After a fair while, Natasha taking on herself the role of lead hostess, checked around that everyone had been 'satisfied' at least once. Her tone seemed to imply she was looking for another paramour, and I was by luck in the right position to take advantage of this, and soon she was conducting me off to one of the larger bedrooms. She made some comment about the last party - when I had literally carried her off - so to prove it wasn't a fluke, and that despite her protestations she hasn't really put on weight, I swept her up into my arms again and carried her into the bedroom.

Natasha didn't mess about. Soon I was wondering what could be better than having a beautiful woman between your legs, her head bobbing up and down as she sucks your cock hard, and eyeing you wickedly. How about the same woman, having made your cock as hard as iron, rolling on a condom, getting on her hands and knees, and inviting you to fuck her hard?

I got around behind her, squeezed my boner up into her snug warm quim, and did my best to oblige, pumping hard against her taut little butt. Doggy with Natasha is fantastic, but so is sex in every other position, so after a while it was time to ring the changes. She rolled over onto her back, her long legs pushed high in the air, so I could pound away between her legs incoherent with delight. After a while I began to get a bit tired, and decided I'd let Natasha do the work, so holding her close in my arms, I contrived to roll backwards, pulling her on top of me.

She protested. Natasha sometimes has problems with her hips that are exacerbated by being on top, so she didn't really want to do it like this. Seeing my look of disappointment however she agreed to stay on top 'for a little while'. She then levered herself up onto her haunches, and began to squat fuck me like a dervish. My cock seemed to swell up to double size as her beautiful shaven pussy bounced up and down on it in a blur. I groaned in pure pleasure as the lovely lady brought me to orgasm in short order.

We relaxed on the bed for a while chatting, and were joined by one of the other guests. Mesmerised by Natasha's perfect body, I found myself between her legs licking her out. Slowly she got more and more excited, but as I felt she might be getting to a peak, she ordered me to stop, claiming (as she had when I'd done this at another party) if she had an orgasm, she'd be finished for most of the rest of the party. Reluctantly I did as I was told.

Back in the lounge, I had some more food, and me and several other guests chatted with some of the girls. Willie asked how I was getting on, and I said I was having fun, but that I really wanted to get it on with Amy. This lovely lady had arrived by now, looking even better than I had remembered. From having arrived though she had been a magnet of attention though. Willie commented that he though Chrissy had her eye on Amy too. While most of the girls at the party claim to have bisexual leanings, Chrissy often gives the impression she prefers girls to boys, so this was not very surprising.

Hoping to stake a claim I wandered into the bedroom where Amy was being given a good firm fucking by one of the other guests, and watched a while. However we were joined by Chrissy, who accompanied by her usual implausible banter, encouraged me onto the bed and began giving me one of her delightful slow seductions. While this was going on, Amy and her current partner finished, cleaned up and departed, which frustrated me a little, on the other hand Chrissy is so talented and wholehearted when she gets to work on you, I was more than content to let matters continue.

However at the point Chrissy was sucking my cock back to a very hard erection, Willie appeared to say where was I, because Amy was waiting for me in the other bedroom. I was about to comment Chrissy was busy with me, when she got up, and taking me by the hand (or rather by the cock) she lead me from the bedroom at one end of the apartment to the bedroom at the other where Amy was waiting.

Amy was wearing a white PVC 'nurse uniform' (Chrissy made some disparaging remark about having a real one at home - but more on that later). She looked good with it on, but with it unzipped to reveal her wonderful body, clad in a black suspender belt and stockings, my eyes were out on stalks and my jaw dropped down to the floor. Chrissy seemed to have the same kind of feelings, and we both jumped the lovely lass. While I kissed Amy and played with her glorious boobs, Chrissy was busy between her legs.

I helped Amy out of her PVC dress, while she began to suck my cock. Then once I was hard, I was able to persuade this delightful creature to roll on a cover and let me fuck her. We started with me on top, first with her legs pushed up high, then I slid around into a sideways position with Amy still on her back, but with her right leg over my body and her left leg between mine. Slightly unusual, but most comfortable for a slow firm screw. I'd really fancied Amy when I'd seen her in Kensington, but had the impression she was a bit standoffish. With her cuddled up against me as I impaled her tight pussy with my cock, strangely enough this impression was quite gone. After a while I encouraged her to go on top. It was absolutely delightful to have her astride me first sitting up so I could play with those wonderful boobs, then hugging me close so I could watch her splendid arse bouncing up and down on my cock in the mirrors on the wardrobe.

But I'd left the best 'til last. Withdrawing, I moved behind Amy to mount her doggy style. Amy's boobs are magnificent, but she has a lovely bum too, and like this I could enjoy both, thrusting firmly against her buttocks while reaching forward to grope her lovely tits as they swayed beneath her. Since I'd first clapped my eyes on Amy in September I'd been fantasizing about being in this position, but the reality was just so much better. I tried to draw things out as long as I could - but eventually I reached a shuddering climax.

I collapsed weakly on the bed. There were a number of girls and guests in the bedroom and as I lay recovering, I gathered from the conversation that (like all the girls at the party), Amy is far more than a pretty face. One of her talents is making clothes, and as far as I could make out not only had she made her own fetching suspender belt, and the PVC dress, but also she makes all kinds of lingerie. I think she was taking commissions from pretty much all the girls by the end of the party.

Back in the lounge I enjoyed one of Paz's splendid steak sandwiches. I'd noticed that the party was rather more quiet and restrained than most I have been to. Although there was a higher ratio of girls to guests than usual, there wasn't as much frantic sex as is often the case. However I was still eager, and after a while Jane consented to accompany me to the one bedroom I hadn't been entertained in yet.

Without intending to we had an entirely private session. When I first met her, Jane was at her first party and rather nervous. Now she said she was much more comfortable with things, and more open and expansive. As I recall the first time I'd enjoyed her company she had been quiet, but I'd had a good time, the same was true of this time round. Sex with Jane is pure fun, avoiding perhaps the over intense lust I'd felt in my early sessions we just enjoyed the pleasure a man finds in a woman (and hopefully vice versa).

It didn't take her long to get me hard with some lovely oral sex, then on with a rubber and in to some doggy action. Jane wanted me to go at it hard. I did my best to oblige, hammering away at her resilient buttocks hell for leather for a little while, then I had to slow down - partly because of lack of fitness and old age - partly because although I'd already come several times, Jane's tight snatch was threatening to bring me to a climax rather quicker than I wanted too. This was too much fun to rush.

Jane was content to let me pump away at her from behind for quite a while, but when I suggested we change position, and that she roll over onto her back, she had another plan in mind. This was something of an honour for me, not something she did very often, but she had seen a chair over by the wardrobe, and fancied having me on that. Obliging as ever, I went over and sat in the chair. Then Jane turned around and settled herself in my lap with her back to me, and my cock pushed deep into her snug pussy.

Once she was sure we were positioned correctly she began to ride me very vigorously. It felt fantastic, but was so intense, I lost any ability to hold back, in virtually no time at all I was crying out in delight as I climaxed hard inside her. Wow! Thankfully Jane helped me back to the bed, where we cuddled while I recovered a little.

At this point Willie rushed in telling me he had got Amy and Chrissy together and that at the moment Chrissy's bum was pushed high in the air offering a very inviting target he was sure I'd like to avail myself of. Well if he'd asked twenty or even ten minutes earlier...

While I'm not quite such an avid fan of lezzy shows as Willie, when I felt my pins were up to it I got to my feet and wobbled into the bedroom where Chrissy and Amy were performing. As promised, Chrissy was between Amy's legs working away hard, while her gorgeous bum was thrust up and back very invitingly. By now of course some sensible chap had taken up the invitation, and was shagging Chrissy hard from behind. While not really ready to enter the fray again quite yet, I slid onto the bed, and was soon leaning over Amy, kissing her lips, her throat, and her lovely nipples.

After a while Chrissy persuaded the guy bulling away at her to swap mounts, and get between Amy's legs, while she decided to favour me with her attentions. Soon she was sucking my cock hard again and I was anticipating a fantastic finale to the afternoon. At this point things came apart a little. First as so often seems to happen late on at parties, I found myself getting distracted by folks wandering in and out. Then Chrissy for some reason became obsessed with having the music turned up. To try and sort this out I went into the lounge to do this, but Chrissy followed and somehow we never got back to the bedroom.

It was by now getting close to half six, so I decided perhaps it was time to hit the road. While I suspect if I had pressed Chrissy a little more we might have been able to conclude what we had started, I was becoming conscious that I was running rather late myself - having been expecting to be on the road just after six anyway. Chrissy was in demand for other purposes anyway, showing off her genuine nursing skills by redressing a rather nasty gash Angie had managed to inflict on her ankle. So I had a quick shower, dressed myself, made my farewells to all the girls and Willie and went back out into the freezing Oxford night.

A bit of a curious party this one. For some reason I, and many of the guests, seemed to spend a lot more time chatting than fucking for once. I left feeling a bit dissatisfied I'd never really managed to get to grips with Chrissy despite a couple of starts. On the other hand I'd had very nice times with her for all that, and wonderful sessions with Maxxine, Natasha, Amy and Jane.

I guess the bottom line is I find parties so much fun I just don't want them to end.

Thank you ladies for a great time, and thank you Willie for organising it.
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