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No. 29301 - Published 27 Mar 2003

Review of Wicked Party of London

Details of Visit
Type of Visit:Incall
Date and Time of Visit:19 March 14:30
Duration of Visit:4 hours
Amount Paid:330

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The Premises
As always an ideal venue for these events
The Lady
4 lovely ladies in attendance
The Story
Becoming a regular at these do's - normally go to Oxford but as there are 2 new girls on the website decided to pop up to London this time.
Nice house deep in Suburbia - directions easy to find.
Natasha and Amy(both of whom I've seen before) and new girls Anne and Georgia - it was really Georgia I'd come to see as her pictures looked really nice but in the flesh she was gorgeous - a really curvy black girl with a figure to die for.
Once we all changed I made sure to pair off with her and upstairs for a lovely blowjob - we soon rolled over into a deliciously wet 69 - her pussy really tasted beatiful.
Normally the first round is over fairly quickly for me but made this one last with sex in various positions and finished off cumming doggy - fabulous.
We lay recovering and chatting until someone else needed the bed - chilled out downstairs for a while then wandered upstairs and came across Anne with another guest who proceded to wank me off over her tits(Anne that is - not the other guest).
Had some food and a chat - a really like the atmosphere of these events -there is no need to clock watch - spotted Georgia was free again - another wonderful round that she really seemed to enjoy as well which for me is really important - couldn't quite finish but we kept going for some time.
The shagging Chef couldn't make it this time so Willie gamely volunteered to cook the steak sandwiches - concerned faces all round but he came up trumps - they really were exellent - we got into a discussion of the relative merits of buffets at various parties - much to the amusment of some of the newer guests.
Thus replenished and Anne dragged me off for some "cuddly fun" as she put it - turned into another marathon full on shag - That woman can go - and is also great fun to be with.
Time was ticking on but had just had to see Georgia again - flagging a bit so lots of licking and sucking from both of us and finished off by hand over her lovely tits.
She really is a treasure - roll on the next do!

Great Ass with Panties Pulled Down
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