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No. 40803 - Published 26 Apr 2004

Review of Minami of London

Details of Visit
Location 2:Bayswater
Type of Visit:Incall
Date and Time of Visit:02-May-2004 10.30 pm
Duration of Visit:40 min
Amount Paid:150

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The Premises
Unattractive basement flat, with stale air. Also, it sounded like someone else was in another part of the flat while I was there.
The Lady
Philippina lady. Tallish, might be early 30s. She hides her face on the website pictures, and I can see why. I normally wouldn't take a chance on someone who hides her face in her photos, but I had a suprisingly good experience with someone else who did just that not long ago, so I thought I'd try my luck again. Mistake.
The Story
Worst punt I've had in recent memory. In the end I didn't even bother wasting a cum-shot on her; I'd rather wank. I left 20 minutes before time.

The website and agency billed her as Japanese -- not even close. She pathetically persisted in trying to tell me she was Japanese even when she couldn't speak a word, and her English had an unmistakeable Philippino accent. Laughably, when I asked her what part of Japan she was from she said 'Ikebukuro' (this is like asking what part of the UK someone lives in and have them tell you 'Piccaddilly Circus').

Okay, well, take her on her own terms, then... She wouldn't kiss, not because she didn't like kissing, but because "you can get hepatitis from kissing." Her oral was appallingly slack -- no technique at all. Then to the main event: she wouldn't let me put my willie more than half-way in because "asian women have a different-shaped uterus." I have certainly fucked more asian women than she has and I can assure her there is nothing different about their uteruses. After a few minutes of unenjoyable shagging I pulled out, cleaned up, and left.

The whole thing was unpleasant from start to finish. My considered advice: avoid her at all costs.

By this time it was close to midnight, but, determined not to let the episode cast a pall over my mood, I rang up and arranged to see Sasha from Oriental-Angels straightaway. Now there's someone who knows how to treat her customers well and deliver service...
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